At the event, you will have a fantastic opportunity to network with members of area chambers including: Evendale, Forest Park, Norwood, Reading, Springdale, and Woodlawn. You are welcome to bring literature about your business as there will be display tables set up in the networking area.
Beginning at 11:00 a.m., there will be a holiday networking game. The buffet lunch will start at 11:45 followed by awarding of some great gifts. If your company would like to donate any items to be given out at the event, please email
If your company would like be a sponsor the event the cost is $250. You will receive a 6 ft. display table, 2 complimentary lunches and an opportunity to speak at the start of the meeting for 5 minutes. If you are interested, please email
11:00 am - Registration and Networking Game11:45 am 1:00 pm - Lunch and Presentation
Maple Knoll Auditoriam
Going North on Springfield Pike at the light turn right on Maple Trace Dr. into the campus of Maple Knoll Village. Turn right on Rock Maple Drive and the Auditorium is straight ahead on the right.
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